In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 III-1 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, we inform you that:
The site GLOBAL ACTIV is made for the promotion of Stéphane Bañuls Company
Direction of publication: M. BAÑULS Stéphane.
Website hosting: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
The information about the services and their characteristics correspond to a definition at the time of the putting on line or the updates of the various pages of the site; they are given for information only and can not be considered as contractual.
GLOBAL ACTIV reserves the right to modify the information presented without prior notice without being required to update this document. If, despite the care taken in the realization of this website, you think it has an error, do not hesitate to contact us.
By accessing the site GLOBAL ACTIV , you agree to comply with the French code of intellectual property and more generally to treaties and international agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright.
It is thus strictly forbidden to download, reproduce in whole or in part, sell, distribute, transmit, publish and communicate in any form whatsoever the data or the works protected by the copyright which appears on the site GLOBAL ACTIV without written authorization particular and prior notice of the copyright holder attached to the work or the data reproduced.
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